DID YOU KNOW YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL? ~ Naturalhealth=healthyliving

19 Apr 2016


What do you understand when you hear people say blood sugar level. The blood sugar level or blood sugar concentration is  simply means the amount of glucose present in your blood at any given time......

Blood Sugar Level Chart

The normal blood glucose level for a healthy person is between 72mg/dL(3.8 to 4 mol/L) and 108mg/dL(5.8 to 6 mol/L).But note after a meal the blood sugar may increase temporarily up to 140mg/dL (7.8mmol/L)

The normal blood sugar level.

 ADULT : A normal blood sugar level is between 72mg/dL (4 to 6 mol/L ) for a healthy person. Please note The concentration of glucose in the blood of a healthy person in the morning on an empty stomach is between 68mg/dL and 108 mg/dL (3.8 to 6.0mmol/L) but two hours after consuming food or drinks rich in carbohydrate the number will be usually between 120 and 140mg/dL (6.7 and 7.8mmol/L).

CHILDREN: For children of 6 years of age desired blood sugar level be four eating is between 100mg/dL (5.5mmol/L ) and 180mg/dL (10mmol/L)Befour sleep value should be between 100 mg/dL (5.5mmol/L) and 180 mg/dL (10mmol/L.


Blood sugar level rise and drop during the day .This is normal ,however dramatic fluctuations in your blood glucose level may indicate problems.

High blood sugar level affect the arteries throughout the body ,especially the organs which have the richest blood circulation (heart,brain,kidney, senses nerves and organs).

How to lower blood sugar level.

One and most best way to stop, lower or maintain blood sugar is by supplementing our diet with Aloe vera juice,garcinia plus, fields of green,broccoli, garlic etc.
Note : A patient with diabetes is at a 5 times greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease...

What do you know about chromium?

Chromium is a mineral that humans require in trace amount, chromium is known to enhance the action of insulin, that has the ability to maintain normal blood sugar level,chromium was identified as the active ingredient in glucose tolerance factor.,chromium breaks down sugar for body to use.So my question is are u taken chromium to your diet, because chromium is one most important nutrients you need to bring your blood sugar level down.the most and best source of chromium I can recommend is forever garcinia plus.

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For any information on how you get all the products mention here or how get get your blood sugar level down please kindly send me am email to :emmanuelonyebueke4874@gmail.com Or whatsapp +233233668275/+2347033317939

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