Top 5 most important Health Benefits Of Bitter Cola You Must Know
Bitter kola or
Garcinia kola is a plant that originated in Africa with a plethora of uses.
People in western and central Africa has been using this plant in
their daily aspects of life. A lot of the African tribes held this plant
in high regard and using it for their ritual and ceremonial practices. Many
African people also use this plant as an effective insect and vermin
repellent – they believed that it repels ghosts and evil spirits. But the most
important use for this plant is their amazing healing benefits. |
Most parts of this plant
like the seed, bark, fruit, and nuts can be used as a traditional medicine, a
practice that has been done for centuries by the African medicine man. This
practice has intrigued the medical world to study this bitter tasted plant to
find out whether those healing attributes were just a rumor or real. The
results are amazing, bitter kola possesses a wide array of benefits that will
surely help everyone to stay healthy. Read: I Love This Natural Juice Drink
bitter kola contains the high source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins
A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, fiber, calcium, potassium and iron. That is why bitter
kola is good for us. Thus, here are several known benefits commonly found in
bitter kola. Here is the health benefits of bitter kola you should know.B2, B3, fiber, calcium, potassium and iron. That is
why bitter kola is good for us. Thus, here are several known benefits commonly
found in bitter kola. Here is the health benefits of bitter kola you should
5 Sexual Health Benefits Of Bitter Kola
1. improve Impotence
Impotence is a
malfunction in male genitals caused by a failure in maintaining an
erection during a sexual intercourse. By increasing the blood flow to the
genital area, bitter kola can be used as an effective remedy for ED or erectiledysfunction.
Improves Sexual Performance
people with a low libido, bitter kola can be your savior. Bitter kola increases
sex drive and improves the sexual performance of men who consume them. For
increased effect, you need to chew the kola for at least 2 minutes before
intercourse. This is one of the reasons that bitter kola gained its fame in the
past few years.
Promotes Male Fertility
Meanwhile, many adult
male problem is on their sexual organ. Further, for married men it is just so
important to keep and maintain, in order to please their couple. Thus, you may
found some medicine to improve fertility yet bitter kola is the best
alternative if you want to improve you performance in bed with your lovely
Prolonging Life
Many African people
believed that consuming bitter kola will prolong their lives significantly.
While this belief is not scientifically accurate it might be true to some
extent. As we can see in above texts, there are just so many healthy benefits
of bitter kola, that could positively contribute to a better, healthier life.
By improving our lives, our longevity would surely increase, because many
studies report that normally, healthy people live longer than
unhealthy ones.
No Side Effects
This might be the best
feature from bitter kola plethora of benefits. Many medical experts around the
world confirmed that consuming bitter kola has no side effects at all to
the human body, which is amazing considering most drugs possess a negative
side effect in the long run when consumed periodically.Read :Increase Your Libido By 85% This shows that
bitter kola can be used as a natural, alternative remedy to the generic drugs
that are chemically manufactured. See This.....